Not too long back, California Dingo Media was approached by STEM Box Cars, an educational organization specializing in STEM education, to create a packaging illustration and logo design that ties-in with their unique hands-on activities and targets an educational demographic. This excellent organization seeks to begin children on their journey to become Globally Competent by exposing them to engaging and cognitively appropriate STEM activities that are perceived through a children’s narrative promoting literacy skills as well as embracing diversity.
Quite a mouth-full, huh? In other words, they help children excel at Science, Technology, Engineering and Math (STEM) by putting them in a children’s narrative which also helps them read and learn about their surroundings. Pretty neat, huh?
The founders came to California Dingo Media seeking particular goals to achieve when developing their packaging illustration and logo; it must reach the proper demographic, encompass the founders’ individuality, and represent the hands-on activities included in each product box purchased by consumers.
They would be selling individual boxes which contain the projects involved in creating STEM related instructionals. The packaging was to incorporate the visual scheme we landed on when designing the logo. So, we started with the overall idea of “what does STEM Box Cars look like?”. This is a tall glass of water to drink when faced with a question so broad, however, the folks of STEM Box Cars knew who they were and who they wished to connect with. This made the process of logo design much easier to accomplish.
Let’s sit down with the founders of STEM Box Cars and have them share their experience working with California Dingo Media in accomplishing these set graphic design goals.
Thanks for viewing and we’ll see you next time!
David (Cali Dingo)