Flash Movie Export Ghosting Workaround

Today’s post is uber geeky. Sorry to you normal people. Long story short, I ran into an issue when attempting to export a Flash animation as a Quicktime movie. Many hours later (and headaches) I pieced together a workaround to the problem. Just to note, when I say “I”, I mean me and a good friend. The good friend possibly did more good than I.

When trying to find the workaround/solution to the problem it took many a searching on ye old interweb and I thought to myself afterward… “Gee, it sure would have been nice had someone just made a quick tutorial explaining how to work around the problem, so I can just get on with making more animations.”

So, that is what this post is all about. Anyone out there searching for the magical and ever-eluding solution to this problem can hopefully find my post on it and I will make their life easier. I’m such a good guy, aren’t I?

Without further ado…

Told you that was a geeky waste of a normal person’s time. Can’t say I didn’t warn you.

Till next time, true believers….

David (Cali Dingo)




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