Dave Grohl: The Ideal Music Teacher


Dave Grohl

So, I recently was on a Dave Grohl/Nirvana itch on the ol’ Youtubes and came across these gems. He explains how he learned drums/guitar and how to write a hit song. Of course, he includes his awesome humor and humility, but these videos struck a chord with me (no pun intended) and here’s why.

First, a little about me and my love for music. Music was always in the house as far as I can remember and my mother didn’t discourage this.  My mother loved music and she ultimately taught me how to play guitar and piano, however I quickly shunned the keys only later to regret that decision. But, yes. My mother taught me how to play guitar.  I believe my mother is a creative who got married young and decided not to pursue being a creative in lieu of raising us stinking kids (6 of us). This didn’t stop that urge in her to learn how to do creative things… like play guitar. I believe she is self taught, however I could be wrong on that. Regardless, she can play piano, sing and play guitar. Very talented young lady if you ask me. So, as my mother taught me how to play guitar, my brother taught me how to PLAY guitar. I remember watching him pull out the CONN classical guitar and start rocking out to the latest hits of the day… and sing at the same time! That was amazing to a young, impressionable grade schooler. Then, he would take it a step further and play/sing one of his own songs. It was in those moments that I realized, if he could do this..well, then, maybe I could do it too. (That is still debatable).

Dave Grohl explains in these videos exactly what I experienced growing up. You can learn how to play an instrument, but unless you have passion for the instrument, you’ll never really LEARN the instrument in the truest sense of the word. With that said, you may “learn” the instrument your own way or discover your own method of playing that may seem unorthodox to others watching. However, if you have passion for that particular instrument… look out world. It doesn’t matter how you hold the knife, as long as it cuts the butter.

Songwriting is the same thing. There are so many songs out there that I can’t stand, however, there are an equal amount of peeps that love them. Beauty is in the ear of the beholder. Anyone can write a song. Whether its good or not is a subjective question. What that means is, if you like it… most likely someone else will too.  Just practice writing songs over and over. At first they will be horrible… eventually they maybe great. There really is a recipe to “good music” and Dave Grohl hits the nail on the head while messing around with Tenacious D’s Kyle Gass. Its funny… but what he is explaining is very true.

I hope these videos strike a chord with you as they did with me. I LOVE music and am always curious about why some songs catch and others don’t. Grohl maybe on to something.


Dave Grohl Explains How He Learned to ROCK


David Grohl Shows How To Write a Hit Song

Thanks for hanging out.

Till next time…

David (Cali Dingo)


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